Chord of Convallaria Athena Guide – Sigils, Functors, Codes, Team

Welcome to the Chord of Convallaria Athena Guide! In this Aether Gazer guide, we will explore how to effectively play as Athena. We’ll focus on team composition, sigils, functors, skills, and aether codes. Athena is a Physical Divine Grace type modifier with a unique mechanic like in rhythm games. The unique mechanic isn’t difficult, but it demands precise timing and rhythm.

Chord of Convallaria Athena Sigil Sets

There are 2 different Sigil builds for Athena:

Signature Build

Chord of Convallaria Athena Sigil Sets

No Signature Build

Chord of Convallaria Athena Sigil Sets

Chord of Convallaria Athena Team Formation

Building a synergistic team is crucial for maximizing Athena potential. Here are the recommended team formations:

Melee Team

Chord of Convallaria Athena Team 2

Olympus Gen-zone Team

Chord of Convallaria Athena Guide – Sigils, Functors, Codes, Team

Chord of Convallaria Athena Functor

Now let’s explore functor options for Athena, considering both F2P and P2P options:

Chord of Convallaria Athena Functor
  • Herald – Perseus
  • Herald – Laelaps

Chord of Convallaria Athena Aether Codes

Aether Codes play a vital role in further enhancing Athena abilities. There are two builds for her, each optimized for different scenarios:

Chord of Convallaria Athena Aether Codes
  • 3 Blue Aether Codes
  • 3 Yellow Aether Codes

Enchant Priority

  • Fierce Assault
  • Berserk/Enraged
  • Sharpened Blade/Loopback
  • Tactics Enhance/Gladiator
  • Standing Tall/Fortitude

Bonus Tips

  • Aether Codes Build Recommendation: We recommend the ‘Brain Dead’ build with 3 Blue Aether Codes and Signature Functor for her. This build grants her a high damage buff and endurance that can be effectively utilized by both manual and AI control. Alternatively, she can opt for the ‘3 Yellow Aether Codes’ build to activate Sound Edge a bit faster and debuff enemies for the team, either without the Signature Functor or with minimal investment.
  • Team Composition Recommendations: Building a team comp for her can be somewhat tricky. Currently, we recommend pairing Athena strictly with Tidal Song Poseidon and her Signature Functor, while including Me-Yow MiMiR Cat-like AI. With this setup, Athena can use the Sound Edge state to last approximately 20 seconds per state duration. Given Athena’s limited ability to clear mobs, she can also be paired with Arctic Abyss Poseidon or Phantasmal Dawn Hera.
  • Athena’s mechanics are not difficult but require precise timing from the player. To truly maximize her potential, players must consider multiple factors. AI-controlled Athena does not require her Signature Functor. However, for manual control, her Signature Functor can alleviate control difficulties and enhance her endurance in battle. If players intend to use her as the primary carry, we recommend either reaching her SS Transcend Level or leveling her Signature Functor to SSS.
  • Conclusion: Athena demands a significant amount of investment and luck with gacha. While a low-investment Athena may deal less damage than Shinri Tsukuyomi or Darkstar Hel, a high Transcend Level Athena with precise timing and control can match their damage output. However, this playstyle can be demanding. For this reason, we still recommend leaving Athena under AI control.


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