Aether Gazer Sigil Guide

Welcome to the Aether Gazer Sigil Guide! In Aether Gazer, sigils are essential tools for enhancing your modifier’s abilities and customizing their playstyle. By strategically equipping sigils in different slots, you can optimize your modifier’s performance and create a powerful team composition. In this Aether Gazer Sigil Guide, we will explore the basics of sigils, the fixed main stats associated with each slot, and delve into the details of various sigil sets available in the game. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced player, this guide will provide you with valuable insights and tips to maximize your modifier’s potential in Aether Gazer.

Sigil Basics

Aether Gazer Sigil Guide

In Aether Gazer, modifiers (characters) can equip sigils in 6 slots labeled I, II, III, IV, V, and VI. Each slot has fixed main stats associated with it, providing consistent benefits to the modifier. Sigils offer various effects and bonuses, such as increased damage, critical rate, healing abilities, or elemental bonuses. By strategically selecting and combining sigils in different slots, you can optimize your modifier’s performance and customize their abilities to suit your playstyle or team composition. Sigils play a vital role in enhancing your modifier’s capabilities and allow for greater flexibility in gameplay.

  • Slot I – ATK and Max HP
  • Slot II – ATK and DEF
  • Slot III – ATK and Max HP
  • Slot IV – ATK and DEF
  • Slot V – ATK and Max HP
  • Slot VI – ATK and DEF

Remember, the main stats are fixed; these Sigil slots will always have the same stats as mentioned above.

Sigil Sets

In Aether Gazer, there are a total of 29 different Sigil Sets available. Each Sigil Set offers unique enhancements and effects to the modifiers. Let’s explore each set to gain a better understanding of their capabilities and how they can benefit your gameplay.

1. Saintess’ Banner

Aether Gazer Sigil Saintess' Banner

Set Effects: Increases the Additional ATK by 180.

How it works: By equipping three pieces of the Saintess’ Banner Sigil in Aether Gazer, your modifier’s ATK will be increased by 180. However, wearing six pieces of this sigil will not provide a cumulative ATK bonus of 360. It is recommended to use only three pieces for optimal effect. This Sigil is specifically designed for early game progression and can be utilized by any modifiers in your lineup.

2. Lance of Destruction

Aether Gazer Sigil Lance of Destruction

Set Effects: Increases the Ultimate Skill DMG by 10%.

How it works: The Lance of Destruction Sigil in Aether Gazer can prove useful when you have two or three damage dealers in your team and you aim to maximize their damage output through their ultimate skills. Since only the team leader can use all skills, the ultimate skills of other team members become the focus of your control. In this scenario, the Lance of Destruction Sigil is particularly effective, enhancing the impact of their ultimate skills and enabling you to optimize your team’s overall damage potential.

3. Envoy of Valhalla

Aether Gazer Sigil Envoy of Valhalla

Set Effects: Increases Additional HP by 900.

How it works: Envoy of Valhalla offering 900 HP bonus is primarily suited for early game progression in Aether Gazer. As the game progresses, modifiers will acquire significantly higher HP values, often surpassing 20,000 HP or more. Consequently, the 900 HP boost becomes relatively insignificant in mid and end game stages.

Therefore, it is advisable to utilize this sigil during the early game phase to provide a modest HP increase for your modifiers. However, as you progress further, it is recommended to seek out more substantial HP bonuses to better support your modifiers’ health pool.

4. Orpheus’ Harp

Aether Gazer Sigil Orpheus' Harp

Set Effects: Increases Additional DEF by 60.

How it works: Orpheus’ Harp sigil proves to be a useful choice during the early game phase in Aether Gazer. However, as you progress into the mid and end game stages, it is not recommended to continue using this sigil due to its relatively low 60 DEF bonus. There are other sigils available that offer significantly better defensive benefits, making them more suitable for the challenges faced in the later stages of the game. It is advisable to explore and acquire more powerful sigils that provide substantial DEF bonuses to enhance the survivability of your modifiers as you advance in the game.

5. Mythic Warriors

Aether Gazer Sigil Mythic Warriors

Set Effects: Increases Physical DMG by 5%.
Set Effects: When you land a hit on an enemy using a Physical Skill or Ultimate Skill Attack, your Physical Damage (DMG) is increased by 5%. Additionally, each attack with a Physical Skill or Ultimate Skill attack increases your Physical Damage by 2% for 10 seconds. These bonuses can stack up to 5 times.

How it works: However, once you reach 5 stacks, the bonuses will no longer increase for the next 10 seconds. During this time, your Critical Damage (Crit Dmg) is increased by 10%. This sigil is good for modifiers like Shinku Buzenbo Tengu, New Pact Verthandi, Sunfire Zenkibo Tengu.

6. Lightning Cutter

Aether Gazer Sigil Lightning Cutter

Set Effects: Increases Thunder DMG by 10%.
Set Effects: Launches an additional lightning strike for every attack land with a skill or ultimate skill attack, dealing Thunder DMG equal to 90% of attack in total; triggers only once every 5 seconds.

How it works: This Sigil increases Thunder Damage (DMG) by 10%. Every time you land an attack using a skill or ultimate skill attack, an extra lightning strike is launched. This additional strike deals Thunder Damage equal to 90% of your attack damage in total. However, this extra lightning strike can only be triggered once every 5 seconds. There is only one modifier that can use this Sigil and it’s recommended to use for Shinri Tsukuyomi.

7. Obelisk of Light

Aether Gazer Sigil Obelisk of Light

Set Effects: Increases Light DMG by 10%.
Set Effects: Lowers the Light resistance of surrounding enemies by 5% and their attack by 5% as well as inflicts Weak on them whenever landing an attack; effects from multiple modifiers sources do not stack for this Sigil.

How it works: This Sigil enhances Light Damage (DMG) by 10%. It also has additional effects on surrounding enemies. When you successfully land an attack, it reduces the Light resistance of nearby enemies by 5% and lowers their attack power by 5%. Additionally, it inflicts the “Weak” status on them, making them more vulnerable.

It’s important to note that there are only two modifiers in Aether Gazer that deals Light damage and its recommended to use on The Glare Apollo.

8. Gale Sovereign

Aether Gazer Sigil Gale Sovereign

Set Effects: Increases Wind DMG by 10%.
Set Effects: Increases Wind DMG by an additional 5% for every skill or ultimate skill in cooldown.

How it works: This Sigil enhances Wind Damage (DMG) by 10%. Additionally, for every skill or ultimate skill that is on cooldown, your Wind Damage is further increased by an additional 5% when using this Sigil. It is highly recommended to equip this Sigil on the modifier Gusty Lance Shu.

9. Vanargand’s Seal

Aether Gazer Sigil Vanargand Seal

Set Effects: Increases Ice DMG by 10%.
Set Effects: Increases Crit DMG of Ice Skills and Ultimate Skills by 20%; increases Crit DMG by an additional 40% when landing an attack on an Enemy in Freeze.

How it works: This Sigil enhances Ice Damage (DMG) by 10%. Additionally, it increases the Critical Damage (Crit DMG) of Ice Skills and Ultimate Skills by 20%. Moreover, when you land an attack on an enemy in the Freeze status, it further increases Crit DMG by an additional 40%.

This Sigil is highly recommended for use on the following modifiers: Arctic Abyss Poseidon, Frost Fang Vidar, and Drifting Flurry Leviathan.

10. Dark Plague

Aether Gazer Sigil Dark Plague

Set Effects: Increases Shadow DMG by 10%.
Set Effects: Deals an additional [3% of ATK + fixed amount] DMG that ignores DEF when dealing Shadow DMG to enemies.

How it works: This Sigil enhances Shadow Damage (DMG) by 10%. Additionally, when dealing Shadow Damage to enemies, it inflicts an extra amount of damage equal to 3% of your Attack (ATK) plus a fixed amount. This extra damage ignores the enemy’s Defense (DEF).

It is highly recommended to equip this Sigil on the characters Sakubo Tsukuyomi and Dark Mistletoe Hodur.

11. Mermaid’s Tear

Aether Gazer Sigil Mermaid Tear

Set Effects: Increases Water DMG by 10%.
Set Effects: Lowers the Water Resistance of the affected enemy by 5% for 10 seconds whenever an attack hits; effects from multiple Sigils do not stack. Increases Crit Rate by 5% when landing an attack on enemy with lowered Water Resistance.

How it works: This Sigil enhances Water Damage (DMG) by 10%. Additionally, whenever you land an attack, it lowers the Water Resistance of the affected enemy by 5% for a duration of 10 seconds. It’s important to note that the effects of multiple Sigils with this ability do not stack.

Furthermore, when you successfully land an attack on an enemy with lowered Water Resistance, your Critical Rate is increased by 5% and it’s recommended to use this Sigil on Croc Rage Sobek.

12. Prometheus’ Flame

Aether Gazer Sigil Prometheus Flame

Set Effects: Increases Fire DMG by 10%.
Set Effects: Increases Fire DMG by an additional 10% for 10 seconds when defeating an enemy; stacks up to 3 times.

How it works: This Sigil enhances Fire Damage (DMG) by 10%. Additionally, when you defeat an enemy, it increases your Fire Damage by an additional 10% for a duration of 10 seconds. This bonus can stack up to 3 times.

It is highly recommended to equip this Sigil on the following modifiers: Ryugiri Kagutsuchi, Rahu Asura, Radiant Feather Hera, and Airgetlam Nuadha.

13. Sword of Roland

Aether Gazer Sigil Sword of Roland

Set Effects: Increases DMG by 50% when in Modified Mode.

How it works: This Sigil enhances Damage (DMG) by 50% when in Modified Mode. It is recommended to equip this Sigil on your damage dealers, as it will significantly increase their damage output.

14. Golden Fleece

Aether Gazer Sigil Golden Fleece

Set Effects: Increases Crit DMG by 35% when at Modifying Level Ω.

How it works: This Sigil enhances Critical Damage (Crit DMG) by 35% when the modifier is at Modifying Level Ω in combat.

15. Griffins’ Pride

Aether Gazer Sigil Griffins Pride

Set Effects: Increases Crit Rate by 3% for each Modifying Level attained; stack up to 15% in total.

How it works: This Sigil increases Critical Rate by 3% for each Modifying Level attained in combat, with a maximum stack of 15% in total.

16. Fountain of Youth

Aether Gazer Sigil Fountain of Youth

Set Effects: Increases Max HP by 20%. Restores 2% HP every 10 seconds.

How it works: This Sigil increases Maximum HP by 20%. Additionally, it restores 2% of your HP every 10 seconds. It is recommended to use this Sigil on modifiers who need to have a tanky build or require extra HP to effectively use their skills.

17. Calydonian Rage

Aether Gazer Sigil Calydonian Rage

Set Effects: Increased Rage Modes’ skill DMG by 10%.
Set Effects: Increases Rage charge speed by 7% for each Modifying Level attained, up to a maximum of 35%.

How it works: This Sigil enhances Rage Modes’ skill DMG by 10%. Furthermore, it increases the charge speed of Rage by 7% for each Modifying Level attained, with a maximum increase of 35%. It is highly recommended to equip this Sigil on Modifiers who utilize rage-type skills, such as Shinri Tsukuyomi, Early Sakura Ookuninushi, Croc Rage Sobek, Dark Mistletoe Hodur, and Frost Fang Vidar.

18. Jörmungandr

Aether Gazer Sigil Jörmungandr

Set Effects: Has a chance to gain 35% of max energy each time the Energy is consumed; increases the chance by 1% for every 1 Energy consumed.

How it works: This Sigil provides a chance to gain 35% of the maximum energy each time the energy is consumed. Additionally, the chance to gain energy increases by 1% for every 1 energy consumed. It is recommended to equip this Sigil on characters that require a substantial amount of energy, such as Rahu Asura.

Furthermore, it is especially beneficial for your leader modifier as it ensures a constant flow of energy, allowing you to use skills consistently. This will significantly increase your overall damage output.

19. Cupbearer of the Gods

Aether Gazer Sigil Cupbearer of the Gods

Set Effects: Whenever traces are consumed, has a chance to regain Traces, and increase ATK by 18% for 10 seconds; triggers only once every 12 seconds.
Set Effects: The probability is increased by 15% for every skill or Ultimate Skill cast, and reset to its base value after the effect is triggered.

How it works: This Sigil provides a chance to regain Traces and increases Attack (ATK) by 18% for 10 seconds whenever traces are consumed. However, this effect can only be triggered once every 12 seconds. The probability of triggering the effect is increased by 15% for every skill or Ultimate Skill cast, and it resets to its base value after the effect is triggered.

It is highly recommended to equip this Sigil on Modifiers who utilize traces-type skills, such as The Innocence Osiris, AblaZe Tyr, and Gusty Lance Shu.

20. Ship of Theseus

Aether Gazer Sigil Ship of Theseus

Set Effects: Increases Crit Rate by 15% for 3 seconds whenever Divine Grace is consumed.
Set Effects: Regains 10% of the Divine Grace consumed for the trigger after the Crit Rate boost lapses.

How it works: This Sigil increases Critical Rate by 15% for a duration of 3 seconds whenever Divine Grace is consumed. After the Crit Rate boost expires, it regains 10% of the Divine Grace consumed to trigger the effect.

It is highly recommended to equip this Sigil on Modifiers who utilize Divine Grace skills, such as Tidal Song Poseidon, New Pact Verthandi, and Sakubo Tsukuyomi.

21. Spartan Battlecry

Aether Gazer Sigil Spartan Battlecry

Set Effects: Increases Rage Mods’ skill DMG by 10%.
Set Effects: Lowers rage cost by 20%.

How it works: This Sigil enhances the skill Damage (DMG) of Rage Mods by 10%. Additionally, it lowers the rage cost by 20%. This Sigil is highly useful and recommended for use on rage-type modifiers, as it significantly boosts their skill damage while reducing the amount of rage required to activate their skills.

22. Alexander’s Conquest

Aether Gazer Sigil Alexanders Conquest

Set Effects: Increase Max Energy by 30.
Set Effects: Gains 1 Energy whenever an attack is landed; triggers only once every 1 seconds.

How it works: This Sigil increases the Maximum Energy by 30. Additionally, it grants 1 Energy whenever an attack lands. However, this effect can only trigger once every 1 second. This Sigil is extremely useful when equipped on modifiers whose skills require a significant amount of energy, as it helps maintain a steady supply of energy for skill activation.

23. Moon Drifter

Aether Gazer Sigil Moon Drifter

Set Effects: Increases Trace Mods’ skill DMG by 10%.
Set Effects: Has a 30% chance to gain one Trace whenever a skill or Ultimate Skill attack is landed; triggers only once every 10 seconds.

How it works: This Sigil enhances Trace Mods’ skill DMG by 10%. Moreover, it has a 30% chance to gain one Trace whenever a skill or Ultimate Skill attack lands. However, this chance only triggers once every 10 seconds. This Sigil is incredibly useful, particularly for modifiers who utilize traces-type skills, especially damage dealers like Shinku Buzenbo Tengu.

24. Philosopher’s Fantasies

Aether Gazer Sigil Philosophers Fantasies

Set Effects: Increase Divine Grace Mod’s skill DMG by 10%.
Set Effects: Gain 1 Divine Grace every second.

How it works: This Sigil enhances Divine Grace Mod’s skill DMG by 10%. Additionally, it grants 1 Divine Grace every second. This Sigil is exceptionally useful for modifiers like Jin-ei Kuninotokotachi, who utilize Divine Grace type skills and excel as damage dealers.

25. Witch’s Judgment

Aether Gazer Sigil Witchs Judgment

Set Effects: Increases DMG to enemies with less than 40% of HP by 35%.

How it works: This Sigil enhances Damage (DMG) specifically against enemies with less than 40% of their HP by 35%. It is highly recommended to equip this Sigil on your main damage dealers, as it provides an additional 40% damage boost once the enemy’s HP falls below 35%. This Sigil is especially useful when facing bosses, as it maximizes your damage output during critical moments.

26. Hippocratic Oath

Aether Gazer Sigil Hippocratic Oath

Set Effects: Increases Healing effects by 10%; increases the effects by another 30% when the healed target’s HP is below 40%.

How it works: This Sigil enhances Healing effects by 10%. Additionally, when the healed target’s HP falls below 40%, the effects are further increased by an additional 30%. It is essential to equip this Sigil on your healer modifiers, particularly on modifiers like Tidal Song Poseidon. This Sigil is necessary to optimize the healing capabilities of your healer modifiers, ensuring more effective and impactful healing during battles.

27. Blazing Scarab

Aether Gazer Sigil Blazing Scarab

Set Effects: Has a 30% chance of inflicting Scorch on the target as well as all enemies within a certain range for 10 seconds when landing an attack; triggers only once every 15 seconds.
Set Effects: Scorch: Deal Fire DMG equal to 20% of ATK every 3 seconds for 10 seconds.

How it works: This Sigil has a 30% chance of inflicting Scorch on the target as well as all enemies within a certain range for a duration of 10 seconds when landing an attack. However, this chance only triggers once every 15 seconds. Scorch causes Fire Damage (Fire DMG) equal to 20% of the character’s Attack (ATK) every 3 seconds for a total duration of 10 seconds.

This Sigil is highly useful for fire modifiers, as it significantly increases their fire damage output. It provides an additional damage over time effect through Scorch, making it a valuable asset in battles.

28. Swordman’s Creed

Aether Gazer Sigil Swordman's Creed

Set Effects: Increases Crit Rate by 75% for 3 seconds whenever a Dodge effect is triggered.

How it works: This Sigil increases Critical Rate by 75% for a duration of 3 seconds whenever a Dodge effect is triggered. If you have exceptional dodging skills, it is highly recommended to equip this Sigil on your main leader modifier. By successfully dodging enemy attacks, you can consistently maintain a 75% Critical Rate bonus, as enemies frequently utilize skills, providing ample opportunities to trigger the Dodge effect and benefit from the increased Critical Rate.

29. Nibelungenlied

Aether Gazer Sigil Nibelungenlied

Set Effects: Increases Ultimate Skill charge speed by 30% and Ultimate Skill DMG by 30%.

How it works: This Sigil increases the charge speed of Ultimate Skills by 30% and enhances the Damage (DMG) of Ultimate Skills by 30%. It is recommended to equip this Sigil on your non-leader modifiers who serve as damage dealers within your team. While you may not have direct control over these modifiers, you can influence their performance by maximizing the effectiveness of their Ultimate Skills. This Sigil significantly improves the charging speed and damage output of their Ultimate Skills, making them even more impactful in battles.


Sigils play a crucial role in Aether Gazer, allowing you to enhance your modifier’s capabilities and tailor their abilities to suit your playstyle or team composition. By strategically equipping sigils in different slots, you can optimize your modifier’s performance and create a powerful team that excels in various aspects of the game. From increasing damage and critical rate to boosting healing abilities and elemental bonuses, sigils offer a wide range of effects and bonuses to suit your needs.

By understanding the different sigil sets and their effects, you can make informed decisions when it comes to selecting and combining sigils for your modifiers. So go ahead, experiment with different sigil combinations, and unleash the true potential of your modifiers in Aether Gazer!

Also read: Aether Gazer Guide and Tips for Beginners