Countertide Leviathan Guide – Sigils, Functors, Codes, Team

Welcome to the Countertide Leviathan Guide! Within this Aether Gazer guide, we will delve into the optimal strategies for playing as Countertide Leviathan. Countertide Leviathan is a versatile character who excels at dealing water-based damage while also providing support through healing. Our focus will be on team composition, sigils, functors, skills, and aether codes.

Countertide Leviathan Sigil Sets

Let’s get into three different Sigil builds for Countertide Leviathan:

Healer Build

Countertide Leviathan Sigil Build 1

The Hippocratic Oath Sigil set is an excellent choice for Countertide Leviathan due to its healing-focused benefits. With a 10% increase in healing effects, Countertide Leviathan’s restorative abilities become more potent, allowing her to provide substantial HP recovery to her allies. However, what makes this Sigil set even more advantageous is its additional 30% healing boost when the healed target’s HP falls below 40%. This means that Countertide Leviathan excels in critical situations, as her healing effects receive a significant boost, enabling her to swiftly mend wounded teammates and stabilize their health.

Jonah’s Echo further enhances Countertide Leviathan’s healing capabilities. The set’s inherent 10% increase in healing provides an additional baseline boost to her restorative powers. However, its true strength lies in the damage synergy it offers. Upon casting a healing ability, Countertide Leviathan triggers a damage increase of 5% for 6 seconds on the healed character or teammates. This allows her to not only heal but also empower her allies, significantly boosting their damage output. Additionally, the set’s scaling mechanic ties the damage bonus to the healer’s healing boost, granting an extra 0.2% damage increase for every 1% healing boost, up to a maximum of 15%.

Hippocratic Oath Sigil set enhances Countertide Leviathan’s healing effects, particularly in critical situations, while Jonah’s Echo amplifies her healing abilities by empowering her healed allies with increased damage output. Together, these two Sigil sets create a potent combination that not only ensures robust healing but also elevates the overall damage potential of Countertide Leviathan and her team.

Healer Build Sigil Sets: The Hippocratic Oath 1,2,3 and Jonah’s Echo 4,5,6.

Support Build

Countertide Leviathan Sigil Build 2

Mermaid’s Tear Sigil set provides a significant boost to Countertide Leviathan’s water damage capabilities. With a 10% increase in water damage, her attacks become more potent and effective against enemies. Additionally, the Sigil set offers an intriguing debuff mechanic. Whenever Countertide Leviathan lands an attack, it lowers the water resistance of the affected enemy by 5% for a duration of 10 seconds. This debuff synergizes well with her water-based skills, allowing her subsequent attacks and abilities to deal even more damage due to the reduced resistance of the target.

Mermaid’s Tear Sigil set enhances Countertide Leviathan’s water damage and provides a debuff that lowers water resistance, making her attacks and abilities more effective against enemies. Combined with Jonah’s Echo, which boosts healing and grants a damage increase to healed characters or teammates, Countertide Leviathan becomes a versatile support character who can both deal significant water damage and provide potent healing while empowering her allies to deal more damage. This combination of Sigil sets enhances her overall combat effectiveness and makes her a valuable asset to any team.

Support Sigil Sets: Mermaid’s Tear 1,2,3 and Jonah’s Echo 4,5,6.

DPS Build

Countertide Leviathan Sigil Build 3

Griffins’ Pride Sigil set further enhances Countertide Leviathan’s damage output through increased critical rate. The set grants a 3% increase in critical rate for each modifying level attained in combat, with a maximum stack of 15% in total. This means that as Countertide Leviathan continues to engage in combat and accumulate modifying levels, her critical rate steadily increases, allowing her to land critical hits more frequently. Critical hits result in amplified damage, making her DPS potential even more potent. The critical rate boost from Griffins’ Pride complements the water damage increase from Mermaid’s Tear, enabling Countertide Leviathan to consistently unleash devastating attacks and maximize her damage output.

Mermaid’s Tear Sigil set enhances Countertide Leviathan’s water damage while providing a debuff that lowers water resistance, enabling her to deal substantial damage to enemies. Paired with the Griffins’ Pride Sigil set, which increases critical rate based on modifying levels attained in combat, Countertide Leviathan becomes an incredibly potent DPS character. The combination of increased water damage and enhanced critical rate empowers her to deliver devastating attacks consistently, making her a formidable force on the battlefield.

DPS Sigil Sets: Mermaid’s Tear 1,3,5 and Griffins’ Pride 2,4,6. (You can replace Griffins’ Pride with Night Owl’s Raid).

Countertide Leviathan Functor

Countertide Leviathan Functor

The Synchronic – Separ signature functor is an excellent choice for Countertide Leviathan for the following reasons:

Firstly, this functor provides a significant reduction in the cooldown of Countertide Leviathan’s Undercurrent skill. Each time she obtains a Mark or casts Azure Aid, the remaining cooldown of Undercurrent is shortened by 3 seconds. This reduction in cooldown allows Countertide Leviathan to utilize her Undercurrent skill more frequently, granting her quicker access to its benefits. Undercurrent plays a crucial role in her kit, allowing her to gain Traces or access powerful healing effects. The reduced cooldown ensures that Countertide Leviathan can make more strategic and impactful use of this skill throughout battles.

Additionally, the Synchronic – Separ functor enhances Countertide Leviathan’s utility by creating an area around her when Azure Aid is cast. This area follows Leviathan for 8 seconds and has the effect of decreasing the melee resistance of enemies within by 12% for 1 second whenever they are hit. This debuff effectively weakens the melee resistance of enemies, making them more vulnerable to subsequent attacks from Countertide Leviathan and her allies. By reducing enemy resistance, she can deal more damage and increase the overall effectiveness of her team in battles.

Recommended Functor: Synchronic – Separ
Recommended Functor F2P: Synchronic – Kajanagu

Countertide Leviathan Team Formation

To maximize Countertide Leviathan’s potential, it is crucial to consider the team composition. Here are some recommended teams that synergize well with her abilities:

Team 1:

Countertide Leviathan Team Formation1

Team 2:

Countertide Leviathan Team Formation 2

Countertide Leviathan Aether Codes

Countertide Leviathan Aether Codes

There are two builds for Countertide Leviathan:

Recommended Aether Codes (Healer): 3 Blue Aether Codes
Recommended Aether Codes (DPS): 3 Red Aether Codes

Understanding Countertide Leviathan’s Skills

Countertide Leviathan Guide – Sigils, Functors, Codes, Team

To effectively utilize Countertide Leviathan, it’s essential to understand the mechanics of her skills. Let’s explore each skill in detail:

Normal Attack: Inundate

How it works: Countertide Leviathan brandishes her weapon, Countertide Whalesong, and calls upon a group of sea creatures to assist her in the attack. This attack deals water damage equal to 365% of her attack power.

Traces: Leviathan gains 1 Trace for every 15 times she hits with a normal attack.

Skill 1: Leapin’s Kraken

How it works: Leviathan summons a powerful ocean wave that rushes forward, causing various sea creatures to leap out and attack the enemy. The total water damage dealt is equal to 600% of the user’s attack. Upon casting the skill, 1 Countertide Mark is obtained, limited to only 1 mark at a time.

Each hit from Leapin’s Krakens increases healing effects by 5%, stacking up to 4 times. The Non-DoT damage of Leapin’s Krakens is increased by 1.25% for every 1% boost to healing, up to a maximum of 100%. After using the Countertide Mark, this effect lingers for an additional second before being removed. Any boosts triggered during this extra period will not be added to the existing stacks.

Traces: Leviathan gains 1 Trace with each successful hit made by her skills.

Skill 2: Tide Summon

How it works: Unlocks the Access Key to summon two sea creatures instantly, causing them to unleash AoE water damage equal to 800% of the user’s attack while they are active. Upon casting the skill, 1 Whalesong Mark is acquired, with a limit of only 1 mark at a time. Each hit from Tide Summon enhances the character’s Critical Damage by 10%, stacking up to 6 times.

Additionally, the Non-DoT damage of Tide Summon increases by 0.8% for every 1% boost to Critical Damage, reaching a maximum of 100%. After consuming the Whalesong Mark, this effect persists for an additional second before being removed. Any boosts triggered during this extended period will not be added to the existing stacks.

Traces: Leviathan gains 1 Trace with each successful hit made by her skills.

Skill 3: Undercurrent

How it works: If Leviathan has less than 4 Traces, it instantly acquires 1 Trace. When Leviathan accumulates 4 Traces, Undercurrent is replaced by Azure Aid.

Azure Aid: Unleashes the power of Leviathan’s Access Key to create a healing ring that restores HP to all allies within its range. The amount healed is equal to 28.7% of the user’s attack, consuming 4 Traces. Azure Aid has a cooldown of 3 seconds. When casting the skill, all available Traces are expended, granting additional effects. If the Countertide Mark is consumed, it inflicts water damage totaling 750% of the user’s attack on the locked-on enemy. Additionally, the Non-Dot damage is increased by 1.25% for every 1% boost to healing, reaching a maximum of 100%.

Furthermore, when expending the Whalesong Mark, all nearby allies receive reduced damage. Additionally, the character experiences a further reduction in damage taken by 0.12% for every 1% boost to Critical Damage, up to a maximum of 15%. These effects last for 8 seconds.

Ultimate Skill: Herd Immunity

How it works: When activated, all teammates receive 13.3% reduced damage for 8 seconds. Additionally, the next use of Azure Aid ability provides 4 Traces and instantly resets the cooldown of Azure Aid. When Leviathan or a teammate is healed, 4% of the Ultimate Skill gauge is charged. This effect can occur once every 2 seconds.

Dodge Skill: Breaking Waves

How it works: Utilizes particle imaging to create a mirage that confuses the enemy and enables two consecutive dodges. When the Extremity Dodge is activated, it triggers the Dodge Effect.

Dodge Effect: Upon entering Zero Time, the movements of all enemies are significantly slowed for 1 second.


Countertide Leviathan guide provides valuable insights into optimal strategies for playing as the character in the game Aether Gazer. With a focus on team composition, sigils, functors, skills, and aether codes, players can maximize Countertide Leviathan’s potential in the game. The guide recommends specific sigil sets for different builds, such as healer, support, and DPS, highlighting their benefits and synergies within the context of Aether Gazer. It also suggests the Synchronic – Separ functor for cooldown reduction and utility in the game. By following this comprehensive guide, players can effectively harness Countertide Leviathan’s water-based damage and supportive abilities to excel in Aether Gazer.

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