Now that you can successfully defeat Centaur Stage 9 and you have collected decent gears for your units then it’s time to learn how to defeat Harpist boss, in this artery gear Harpist guide we will use free units and units from our reroll guide
If you still can’t do Centaur Stage 9 then I suggest you read this guide first: Artery Gear Centaur Guide
Table of Contents
How Does Harpist Boss Works?

Let’s look at Harpist boss skills to understand how it works:
Requiem Waltz – Deal damage to 2 targets and make 1 random ally use Support Attack. If the target has Harpist’s Curse, also inflict “Mourning Concerto” on them, “Requiem Waltz” prioritizes targets that have Harpist’s Curse.
To the New World – Grant Emergency Device to 1 other random ally for 2 turns. Deal damage to all enemies and inflict Harpist’s Curse on 2 random targets for 2 turns. Revive 2 random dead ally.
Mourning Concerto – Deal damage to all enemies and inflict DEF Reduction for 2 turns.
Ensemble – Upon taking a hit, if there are no other alive allies, reduce the cooldown of all skills by 1 turn. This effect can only activate 1 time every 1 turn.
Noisy Cymbal
Bang the Gong – Deal damage to a single enemy and inflict Harpist’s Curse for 2 turns.
Music Preparation – Won’t gain or lose Action bar.
Muffled Army Drum
Play Drum – Deal damage to a single enemy and inflict DEF Reduction for 2 turns.
Music Preparation – Won’t gain or lose Action bar.
Harpist boss is all about landing debuff on your team with Harpist’s Curse and defense break, both are deadly. So you will need Morris here to remove all debuff which will increase your win rate and provide stability for the team plus your team won’t survive more than 3 turns so the best way to defeat this boss is to go all-out damage mode.
What we need to defeat the Harpist?

Let’s see what we need in order to defeat this heavy debuff boss the Harpist:
Debuffer – You need Corrosion Debuff of Roko to kill this boss as soon as possible, SPD Reduction Debuff and DEF Reduction can be useful too.
Cleanser + Healer – You will need a unit that can remove all the debuffs from your team because Harpist is all about landing heavy debuffs on your team, without a good cleanser and healer, your team won’t survive more than 2 turns.
Team Formations
Here I’m going to recommend characters that are 3 stars, free characters or characters from our reroll guide, also check our reroll guide: Artery Gear Reroll Guide

Morris is a must-have unit for Harpist dungeon because she is excellent at healing as well as removing all debuffs from your team and you already know Harpist is Queen of debuffs
Skills to level up – 0/0/5
Auto-play skills – Default
Role – Healer + Cleanser
Gears – Free 4 stars HP set will work but now you can do Centaur 9 so better get SPD set

Roko is also a must-have unit to kill the boss as soon as possible, her Corrosion Debuff which takes 5% of boss HP and ignores any damage reduction effect is just OP for Harpist, if your team can survive 2-3 turns then harpist going to die without a doubt
Skills to level up – 5/5/5
Auto-play skills – Default
Role – DPS + Debuffer
Gears – SPD + Status ACC sets
Note – Make sure you give her at least 150 SPD and 70% ACC that is very important to successfully land her Corrosion Debuff

Chihaya is useful in increasing debuffs that are already on the boss and she can deal a decent amount of damage, she goes very well with Roko
Skills to level up – 0/0/4
Auto-play skills – Default
Role – Debuffer
Gears – SPD + Status ACC sets
Note – Get her 70% crit rate for her S2, it increases the duration of boss debuff which is very important for successful runs

Best support in-game, you’ll need Alice in almost all dungeons she provides an attack buff plus an extra turn to an ally and also increases the ally action bar
Skills to level up – 0/3/0
Auto-play skills – default
Role – Buffer
Gears – SPD set + ACC
Note – Get her speed 160 and ACC 70% because landing SPD Debuff on the boss will make team very stable and it increases the overall win rate
No Alice? No problem

It’s a good idea to reroll and try to get Alice but if you don’t have Alice and got no luck then you can replace her with another DPS like Ginga, Sirius, Grace, Ruri and Senba.
Get it on Google Play > Arter Gear: Fusion